Desperation: Duane Piper Resorts to X – Rated Mailers in Latest Attack

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May 11, 2016
  • Fact: Piper lost Forsyth County’s national accreditation.
  • Fact: Piper has accepted $42,000 from sheriff department contractors for his campaign.
  • Fact: Piper wasted $370,000 on seven luxury vehicles from his largest campaign donor.
  • Fact: Piper has repeatedly broken his 2012 campaign promises to cut spending, implement spending reforms, and audit the agency.
  • Fact: See the video and documents here.

It seems Duane Piper has come to the realization that facts are a stubborn thing. He’s now attempting to hide from his record by resorting to the most disgusting campaign tactic possible: sending pornographic language across the county. He’s even altered the documents to make them more fallacious.

Imagine a young girl rushing to the mailbox to receive a birthday card from her grandma and seeing this explicit mailer instead.

Not only does Piper fail to see the problem of thousands of children across the county reading his smut, he again fails to tell the truth to the adults reading it.

He’s literally willing to say anything to continue receiving his large donations, fancy trucks, and keep his job.

Duane Piper is deceiving voters by altering documents to hide that I recommended the harshest possible sanctions for this employee that the sheriff would allow me to make. Although I didn’t agree with the sheriff, it’s simply ridiculous that I would have the ability to override his decision.

At some point folks have to say, enough is enough. At some point we have to expect more from our elected officials.

I stand behind my 28 year record as a law enforcement officer and have nothing to hide, so I ask you, if you are tired of politicians like this who will literally do or say anything to get elected, please join my fight to remove them from office.

Call me on my cell phone anytime at 404-226-9972 and ask me any question you wish. I’ll always tell you the truth.



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