Even Hillary Wouldn’t Buy Sheriff Piper’s “No Email” Excuse
Did you know that when our current sheriff, Duane Piper, was ordered by the Attorney General’s office to turn over all documents related to his department’s loss of national accreditation, his lawyers actually claimed that he didn’t use email?
That’s right, our sheriff took an excuse right out of Hillary Clinton’s playbook.
When he was faced with multiple orders to turn over documents that could have potentially embarrassing implications, his lawyers conveniently claimed that Sheriff Piper, ‘“does not utilize email communications even though he has an email address assigned to him.”
Piper and his lawyers would have us believe that as the head of a $40 million dollar agency with hundreds of employees, our sheriff does not use email. No wonder our Sheriff’s Department went from one of the best in the nation to losing its national accreditation in three short years.
Our officers deserve better and so do our families. When elected, one of my first acts will be to send an email to CALEA to begin the process of regaining our national accreditation to restore respect, transparency, and accountability in our Sheriff’s Department. And I won’t need a private server to do it.
On Tuesday, May 24th, I ask for your vote for Forsyth County Sheriff.